My name is Goran Protić. I was born near the end of 70s in Belgrade, and I still live there.
From when I was 20, photography has been my hobby, and even today, after more than 20 years, I can proudly state that nothing has changed in that regard. I believe that a person can do what they love, but as soon as money becomes the main factor, it stops being a hobby.
My approach to photography speaks the most about me, as well as about the locations my camera and I most enjoy: nature, living things and rivers. I am especially inspired by rural areas of my country, people, folklore and religious customs. On the other hand, I grew up in the urban areas, so on that terrain I feel most at home.
I am especially fond of street photography, and I strive to present often cruel, but sometimes also gentle reality we live in today. I made this blog as a personal stamp of one phase of my work on the street, by presenting street photography as I found it. I believe I am very privileged, because I can be both a witness and a storyteller at once, and I am guided by persistence and intuition.
If you took some time to take a look at my photographs and read this, I am thankful and very happy. July ‘19.